General Conditions for Enrolment:


To enrol in any of our courses, participants must complete and send an enrolment form by email, post or return in person to Funcarele’s administrative office. The applicant will receive a confirmation of enrolment, his/her provisional booking on the course and will be informed of the total amount due.


The full payment must be made in Euros at least one week before the start of the course, either online at, by credit/debit card, cash or bank transfer to Funcarele’s bank account in CAIXA bank:

IBAN CODE: ES89 2100 6264 6413 0023 8366

The transfer must clearly indicate the student’s full name to ensure identification. The student must assume any bank costs that may incur. Once the payment has been made, the student must provide us with a copy of the transfer via email, post or return in person to the Funcarele’s administrative office.


The prices include the course, level assessment test and general information pack about Cartagena, as well as a personalized tutoring certificate of assistance/achievement and some of the free cultural activities organized by our school. The enrolment fee and student materials are: 50 euros per student and level. The prices include tax and in cases where tax is not included, it will be clearly outlined. Funcarele reserves the right to modify prices on specific occasions and for precise reasons which will be transmitted to the student.


Cancellations can be made exclusively with 4 weeks prior notice with a cancellation fee of 50 €. Regardless, any students that cancel before the start of the course will have the opportunity to reserve their place on a course within a year. Cancellations will only be accepted by those who have informed Funcarele via fax, email, letter or telegram.

All the courses, except for the One to One classes and Erasmus courses, require a minimum of three people (maximum of 12). The Foundation reserves the right to cancel a course or to change the schedule of the lessons (to reduce the number of lessons) if the number of students per group does not meet the minimum requirement.


If a student leaves a course, having started it, they will not be entitled to a refund. Participants will be able to reserve parts of the course which they have not done to be completed within a maximum of one year.


Funcarele is not responsible for classes missed by students. In cases where classes have been missed due to illness or unforeseeable circumstances, students will be able to recover the classes by participating in similar courses, providing they can justify their absence.

Funcarele will remain closed on local and national holidays. Students will not have the right to recover missed classes for this reason. Extra-curricular activities can be arranged as an alternative. One to one classes can be recovered if the cancellation has been made with at least 24 hours prior notice.


The provided classes take into consideration timetables, number of students, levels and the conditions mentioned. Funcarele has the obligation to comply with these specified conditions, especially in reference to the maximum number of students per class, timetable and level. Students can apply to change courses or levels if this coincides with the teacher’s evaluation.


All minors participating in any of the programmes must have authorization from their parents or official guardians. They must agree to allow Funcarele to be responsible for arranging timetables, activities and discipline for their children.


Funcarele reserves the right to request a participant to abandon the programme for lack of discipline. This extreme measure will involve a loss of any payments previously made by the participant. Students must follow instructions indicated by the organization, respecting teachers, monitors and fellow classmates.


Funcarele is not responsible for time loss not attributed to the education centre, loss of money and other possessions which could occur throughout the duration of the programme. Funcarele can provide medical insurance on demand.


Funcarele will accept applications from disabled students and will do everything in its power to aid students wanting to come to study in Spain.


In compliance with current legislation on data protection, LOPD (ES) 3/2018 and RGPD (EU) 2016/679, we inform you that FUNCARELE, as the responsible party, will incorporate the information you provide us into a student processing base for the purpose of correct academic and administrative management of your studies. The treatment of your data is legitimated by your registration, and by compliance with legal obligations. You are obligated to provide us with true, accurate and updated information, otherwise, the management reserves the right to withhold its services, without prejudice to any legal action that may be appropriate.

Your data may be transferred to the UPCT, Instituto Cervantes for the issuance of the title, to third parties engaged in processing and when required by law, always based on the purpose for which they are processed. Your administrative data will be conserved until the prescription of responsibilities of both parts and, your academic data will be conserved indefinitely for accreditation of the title. You have the right to access and rectify your personal data, to request its deletion, portability and the limitation of its treatment at and Calle Jara No. 28, 30.201 Cartagena. More information at

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